Monday, May 25, 2015

Good Neighbors

I don't have any neighbors that I can see. One family lives straight up the hill, another lives to the right, up the hill and we share the bottom of the driveway and another lives about a half mile away, around the corner... and the river is across the road. But I must say I have the very best neighbors around!

This past winter, one neighbor, Doug, sanded my driveway (steep hill) just about any time he went by and the fire chief, Bernie, who lives down the road to the west about a half mile, stopped by a couple times to sand whenever he saw me outside shoveling/sanding.  I had the flu and didn't go to work for a week this winter.  After a few days, my other neighbor, Keith, pulled up my driveway and slowly got out of his truck. The look of trepidation as he looked at the stationary car, the lack of tracks to/from the door, was actually funny. He was checking to see if I was OK, and was truly afraid that he was going to find out that I wasn't.

Which brings me to my latest good neighbor tale...
The other day, Doug and his wife came flying across my field in a red pickup, with Dougie hollering helloooo as they came closer. They were bringing me some venison to thank me for allowing them to use the back field to pasture their horses. It's actually a good thing for me- the horses keep the field down, Doug brush hogs it at the end of the summer and this year he even spent an entire day clearing the back boundary and stone wall of brush.

And the very best thing- he brought his backhoe over and plucked the 300+ lb. rock out of my veg garden that I couldn't move by myself. Gives me more space to fill with plants!

Almost done with all the planting- waiting out the sprinkles this morning to get the mowing done- then I get to weed and if the plants are feeling photogenic- take some pics as well.

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